Thursday, November 22, 2012

FIVE GREAT IDEAS of how to brighten your home

It is quite easy but something that we don’t 
do enough.. and that is to add this 
extra love and attention to our home.
Our home is our fortress, place of retreat, 
our holy temple.
We can do it with very little effort
and minimum investment...
 the results will be immediate – I guarantee!!
When your home is beautiful, all occupants will feel calm and happy.

Here are 5 great ideas of how to brighten your home:

1. Spread at least 7 candles in your home.candles invoke the energy of purification and inspiration, they warm up the energy and help 
release daily stress. 

2.    Put beautiful items near some of the candles – the movement of the candlelight will enhance the most wonderful atmosphere.

English Rose - by Gili Spencer

3. Get a new plant, preferably with flowers and place it in the living room or gathering spot. This will bring a sense of new life and color to your home.


4. Write a short note with kind beautiful words which express your feelings to one or more members of your home, decorate it nicely (drawing a heart will do) and stick it on the fridge. You can also address the note to yourself. It is highly recommended.  

5.   Bake cookies – the smell that will spread in your home will be so wonderful.  Here is a recipe for the most wonderful Granola Cookies!

Hope that you will enjoy these tips! Your reaction to this blog will be highly regarded and will award you with my valentine sale newsletter and the free gifts that are given to you with every purchase. 


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